Essentials of Nihilistic Philosophy

Nihilism, a ideology that investigates the lack of meaning, importance, and meaning in life, critiques the very bases of human existence. Deriving from the Latin word "nihil," meaning "none," this philosophy claims that life is without inherent importance, and traditional moral and religious values are unfounded. This perspective gained prominence

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The Principles of Utilitarianism

Utilitarianism, a consequentialist theory of ethics created by thinkers Bentham and Mill, argues that the most favorable decision is the one that enhances overall happiness or pleasure. Central to this school of thought is the "Greatest Happiness Principle," which asserts that actions are justified if they increase well-being and unjustified if the

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Understanding Stoicism

Stoic philosophy, an ancient Greek philosophy established in the early 3rd century BC by Zeno of Cyprus, advocates the practice of self-discipline and fortitude as a way to overcome negative emotions. The philosophy maintains that virtue, the supreme good, is based on knowledge and that the enlightened live in harmony with the universal Reason that

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Studying the importance of philosophy now

Many individuals elect to study philosophy due to its many actual life purposes.There are numerous ways in which a person can improve upon their critical thinking skills. A good way in which a person might do this is through learning philosophy. In simple terms, the definition of philosophy is just the act of studying basic elements within civilisa

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